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Leave a gift in your Will to Christian Aid

Turn your lifetime of hope into the change you want to see in the world with a gift in your Will.

With a gift in your Will, you can stand with people who are living in poverty – remarkable people whose unstoppable hope has the power to turn your legacy into the future they want.

Your gift can invest in that future by funding inclusive education, life-saving healthcare and sustainable farming. And you can support communities to survive humanitarian crises.

Let your legacy be a beacon of hope and create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.

Write your Will for FREE

Make or update your Will for free in 2025 with Christian Aid’s free Will-writing services. You can do it online, over the phone or with a local solicitor and leave your gift at no extra cost for you.

Get your free gifts in Wills guide

Fill out the webform to order or download your free guide to Gifts in Wills and find out how easy it is to leave a lasting legacy.

First page of the gifts in wills guide.
Image credits and information i
Katumu Canfeh and her husband, Bockarie Canfeh, posing with kernel plants. The plant is used to produce palm oil. Geoma Jorga, Sierra Leone, March 2023. Credit: Jonathan Y Bundu / Christian Aid
Kutumu and her husband

Write your Will for free

Make or update your Will for free in 2025 with Christian Aid’s free Will-writing services.

You can do it online, over the phone or with a local solicitor and leave your gift at no extra cost for you.


Tell us

If you have already left a gift in your Will Christian Aid, thank you!

Tell us about your gift at or call us on 020 7523 2493.

You can get in touch with your questions, be invited to our latest events, and hear more about Christian Aid’s great work.

Image credits and information i
A student colours in a Christmas tree at the José Cecilio del Valle Official School, El Zanjón, Copán, Honduras, in May 2023. The school recently received safe water and new sanitation facilities from Christian Aid and its partner, the OCDIH. Credit: Elias Assaf
Young girl sat at a desk in a classroom, colouring in a Christmas tree
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More about Gifts in Wills

How to leave a gift in your Will

Find the answers to see how simple it really is.

Inspire your congregation

Gifts in Wills can help both your church and Christian Aid.

Gifts that are changing the world

Read inspiring stories of how legacy gifts have made a difference.

Free Will Service

Write your Will for FREE.
Acting in connection with the administration of an estate?

If you are the executor or solicitor acting in connection with the administration of an estate where Christian Aid is bequeathed a legacy, and would like to contact us or make payment, please email Legacy Case Management team