We are the international development agency for 41 sponsoring churches and are keen to work with other churches, too.
Everything we do is rooted in our Christian beliefs. Jesus said that everyone is made in God’s image and proclaimed the good news to the poor and freedom to the oppressed. Through his life, teaching, death and resurrection, Jesus called his followers to love God, love their neighbours and to seek justice for those who are oppressed.
The world we experience is broken by suffering, injustice and sinfulness. Relationships between people, communities, corporations and nations are distorted by inequalities of power. As a result, we are confronted by the scandal of poverty and the degradation of creation.
However, our hope is founded on God’s promise of a world without poverty where everyone has life in all its fulness. We, therefore, believe the world can be restored and transformed, and that God calls us to speak and act prophetically to bring change.
The issues we work on are complex. But we are sustained by the confidence that God is with us, revealing to us good ways of living together. We are therefore committed to working and praying for God’s will to ‘be done on earth as it is in heaven’.
Let us love
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Faith can give us wisdom to ask those long-term questions about the causes of suffering and how to address them. Faith can give us the gift of hope to imagine a world where all God’s children shall live in safety, when love has no borders and no bounds