Staying upright
Staying upright
Something to think about
As a teenager, I loved my Friday night trampolining class. Free from school for another week, I’d gather with my friends to share gossip and weekend plans, and every so often have our turn to bounce. The ever-patient instructor had to repeatedly call us back to attention, as we were supposed to be spotting the bouncer: that is, watching attentively, ready to help if they look like falling from the trampoline.
‘Falling’ in a spiritual sense can be a contentious term, especially if used to deter people from wrestling with their faith lest they ‘fall away’, or to pass judgement on another’s perceived sin. But when I consider my own temptations, and the ways in which I sometimes struggle to live out my faith day by day, I am thankful for the image of God as a failsafe ‘spotter’.
When I veer towards pride and greed over humility and generosity, God is able to keep me from falling headlong. When I wobble towards suspicion and distrust over openness and community, God is able to nudge me back upright. Because of God’s goodness and not my own, I am able to bounce on in Christian life; a little bruised at times, but still on my feet.
Something to do
Watch Christian Aid’s 75th Anniversary film, giving thanks for the perseverance of those who have been working together to eradicate poverty over so many years.