New ITL project lead
We are delighted to introduce our new ITL project lead, Degefu Getachew.
Degefu is an Ethiopia citizen with a Masters degree in climate change adaptation, mitigation, economics and development. He has 14 years work experience across a range of areas including climate change adaptation, mitigation, resilience, sustainable energy, environmental protection, food and nutrition security. He has worked in a variety of INGOs and entities connected to the Ethiopian government.
Degefu was recruited as the new Climate Change Programme Officer in Ethiopia in Autumn 2021. He will take a lead on the ITL project moving forward, supported by the wider Ethiopia team.
Progress to date
The delays due to recruitment of a new project lead, has meant that all activity during 2021 has focused on building the necessary foundations for delivery -
- Work is underway to undertake a baseline analysis (to accurately track the change the project is making).
- Mapping is taking place to identify key project stakeholders and to effectively engage all those who have a part to play in the success of this work.
- Launch meetings have taken place with the relevant government departments to obtain their approvals. Local government officials fully recognise the project's importance and have provided their unequivocal endorsement and commitment to the project implementation.
- Local government officials are already discussing drug needs at local health clinics with our project partner, AFD.
- Initial discussions have already started regarding the development of parameters for climate related diseases.
We look forward to building on these foundations and moving into the next phase of implementation in 2022.