Chosen and precious.
Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Something to think about
In our eyes there is a complete absurdity of being called a living stone. An object that is solid, hard, and, more often than not, cold to the touch. How then, can one be called to be a living stone?
The stones that are written about in this scripture are not the small stones one might find at the side of the road, or from a river, but stones that have been meticulously shaped until the stone mason is pleased with them. However, any flaw in the structural integrity of that stone will cause it to be rejected.
These imperfections are mirrored in our own lives and the rejection felt is a very real response to the perception of cold and hard verdicts made for a plethora of reasons, that may feel unjust, and may cause us to stumble.
However, we are called as living stones. Our lives mirror that of Christ. Through Christ we can allow ourselves to be moulded and shaped by his word. In his sight we have received mercy. We are chosen and we are precious, regardless of our flaws.
Something to do
Write down those things where you feel others may have judged you wrongly. Bring these things to God and ask for help to forgive those who you feel have been harsh in their treatment of you. Ask for God’s thoughts of you and write this next to your initial list. Meditate on being called precious and chosen, and on what it means to have God’s mercy.
Something to pray
Heavenly father, I bring these things to you in the hope and trust that you will help me to forgive those who I feel have brought judgement and persecution on me. Help me to understand why faith can be such a stumbling block. I ask for your forgiveness for my own response in these situations, and I ask that you would show me what it means to be precious and chosen in your sight.