Prayers for Zimbabwe
These prayers are for Zimbabwe at a time of change and transition.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
in the glory and wonder of earth, sea, and stars,
in the miracle of all life and form in the whole universe,
in the complexity and confusion of human experience,
we celebrate your loving compassion.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
On this day, in this place and in this moment, among many other nations,
we raise the people of Zimbabwe in your wondrous presence,
we name their fears and acknowledge their anxieties,
we affirm their aspirations and encourage their expectations.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world,
they are called by your name, they seek your face, they humble themselves.
Hear them from heaven, and heal their world.
In the liminal moments of hope and anxiety, of confusion and clarity, of peace and violence,
Zimbabwe craves your love,
Zimbabwe yearns for your grace,
Zimbabwe cries for your wisdom,
Zimbabwe pants for your discipline,
Zimbabwe thirsts for your freedom.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
You are the shepherd of scattered sheep in Zimbabwe,
where there is impunity, we pray for responsible and accountable leadership,
where there is corruption, we pray for honesty,
where there is abuse of power, we pray for your righteousness,
may the leaders of Zimbabwe govern with justice and do what is right,
may they defend the poor, protect the weak and defeat the oppressors.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
You feed your people on the mountains, by the watercourses, and in the plains.
Where there is hunger in Zimbabwe bring prosperity,
where the economy has been ravaged, bring restoration and recovery.
Let there be abundance in Zimbabwe
and may all the people flourish.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
You are the ultimate physician.
You bind up the injured and strengthen the infirm.
Bring recovery to the health sector in Zimbabwe,
and may your people be healed and restored.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
you are the perfect arbiter.
Where relationships have broken down, bring reconciliation.
Where ordinary people have been bullied and silenced,
redeem them from tyranny and domination.
Their blood is precious and saved.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
you seek out your flocks and gather your scattered sheep.
Where there are vicious disagreements and turmoil,
bring calm conversations and unity of purpose.
Where people have been set up against each other,
bring discernment of your will and clarity of your mission.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
You birthed and mothered your church as your bride on this earth.
Where it has been silent give it a voice.
May Zimbabwe have a prophetic and courageous church,
speaking truth to power, and compassion to ordinary people,
in obedience to your command of grace and peace.
We are called by your name, we seek your face, we humble ourselves.
Hear us from heaven, and heal our world.
Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Shalom,
God of liberty and righteousness, God of peace and truth,
God of the cosmos, God of the ordinary,
God of small nations, God of powerful states,
You are the compass provider, the navigator of wildernesses,
Zimbabwe is at a prophetic crossroads.
May you guide its people through storm and desert.
May this nation join other nations in giving glory to your wondrous name.