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DEC Collective Learning Initiative

Nepal was shocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25th of April 2015 and then after seventeen days another 7.3 magnitude rocked the country, exacerbating the humanitarian situation and reinforcing an already chaotic situation.

This resulted in the death of approximately 9,000 individuals, impacting 8.1 million people by causing widespread displacement and destruction of homes, infrastructure and services.

Numerous actors were involved in the response and recovery from local communities, national NGOs, the Nepal Army and Police, Government of Nepal, Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, foreign militaries, and international NGOs.

To meet the devastation of the two earthquakes, there was a massive response; however, there were also challenges to reach the most vulnerable and those most in need.

In the subsequent two years, extensive work was completed by the responding agencies, government bodies and earthquake affected communities themselves.

However, there have not been sufficient opportunities for collective learning for partners to join together, share and reflect on thematic successes and challenges faced during the earthquake response.

On 14th November 2016, DEC contacted its involved in the Nepal Earthquake Response and introduced the Collective Initiative Fund. A consortium of seven DEC member agencies and Nepal affiliates (CARE, Oxfam, British Red Cross, Tearfund, Plan, World Vision and Christian Aid) joined together for this review and launched the Collective Learning Initiative.

The top three themes were collectively chosen for the collective learning initiative.

This report was produced by World Vision International Nepal with input from DEC member charities in Nepal who took part in this learning initiative.