The goal of the project is to strengthen adaptation and resilience to climate change in the Lake Region Economic Bloc. The project delivers the Kenya County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) initially piloted in Makueni, Kitui, Isiolo and Wajir counties. The CCCF prepares counties to access climate finance to adapt to climate change and reduce poverty.
Key information
August 2018 to September 2020
The project covers six counties in the Lake Region Economic Bloc: Bomet, Kisii, Kisumu, Vihiga, Kakamega and Nandi.
Adaptation Consortium in Kenya.
Deepening Democracy Programme, UKAID.
Our approach
The County Climate Change Fund mechanism integrates climate risk and empowers vulnerable communities in the face of climate change. In 2010, Kenya adopted a new constitution that allows planning and budgeting to happen at the local level. This new system of governance helps to improve climate change planning, budgeting and decision-making by placing strong emphasis on community participation before undertaking any development initiative.
We are strengthening county and sub-county public finance management, public participation and social and financial accountability. We’re also enhancing the delivery of climate-resilient public services and goods in support of livelihoods and economies. The CCCF supports the implementation of key national level policies and strategies including the National Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2022, among others.
The project has strengthened the capacity of the targeted counties with a population of 6,641,426 people to start putting in place robust policy frameworks in response to the impacts of climate change.
Presently the counties are at different stages of CCCF through climate change policy formulation and legislation. Vihiga county has enacted a climate change law which creates the CCCF to be made operational from March 2020. Nandi, Kakamega and Kisii counties are following closely behind with draft climate change bills ready for presentation in respective county assemblies for debate and enactment. Bomet county has developed a draft bill which is now subject to public participation.
We predict that all the counties will have relevant climate change policies and legislation in place and CCCF established by the end of the project. This outcome will have a trickle-down effect of supporting climate resilience and sustainable development, benefiting the entire population both in the medium and long term.