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Christian Aid works to expose and help end poverty, and to challenge the structures and systems that favour the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalised. So, making change happen is at the heart of our work.

But we know that the changes we want are complicated and happen at many levels, from local to global.

Ten Years is a research project in Colombia and the UK. It involves our supporters and our staff, our partners, and members of the communities where we work in documenting, analysing and communicating what change looks like for them.

The Research, Evidence and Learning team are coordinating the study, ensuring opportunities for learning and sharing between the different programmes involved and those interested in their work. They will also be reflecting on what the study says about wider changes in civil society in each country, and internationally.


Like all NGOs, we routinely invest in evaluating our programmes and learning from our practice. But it is much less common for us to take a long-term view of change. 

This study enables some of the different people involved in our work to regularly share their perspectives on change over the course of several years.

A robust research approach will allow us to map their perspectives and experiences against wider changes in local and national contexts.   

As a practice-based organisation, we are not just interested in understanding change. We also want this long-term understanding to deepen and strengthen our impact on poverty. 


Ten Years: Colombia

How are the lives of people in poor and excluded communities changing in the context of the national peace accord?

Ten Years: UK

How do Christian Aid’s younger supporters perceive international development, and what is their experience of their own agency in global social change?

Introducing Ten Years

Key Ten Years outputs

Balancing research and practice in an international NGO

Reflections on setting up a long-term study of change in an international NGO

Ten years of Change Colombia