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  • £1.1m

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  • 4

    projects launched so far

  • 104k

    people targeted to be reached through current projects

Our Global portfolio

Zoom in and click on the shaded countries for a reminder of the projects in the portfolio.

Investing additional funds in Nicaragua

You may recall in our previous update on the Climate Resilient Agriculture (CLIMA) project, where we shared about how the challenging political situation in Nicaragua had resulted in our project partner Centro Humboldt, having to cease direct operations in country. At the time we were working our way through the best solution to ensure the project had the best chance of success despite this troubling turn of events. 

Off the back of these discussions, we have made two key decisions. The first is to extend the project implementation until May 2023 to allow time to regroup in light of the new reality. The second is to invest a further £5,000 of ITL funding to hire an expert within Centro Humboldt on a consultancy basis during the extension period, in order to support delivery of the Climate Resilient Family Model (CRFM). CRFM is a key initiative piloted through this project which educates and empowers whole families to tackle climate change (rather than just the primary male household member, as is so often the case) and to do this in a way enables them to regain a sense of control despite impact of climate change. While this brings us slightly over the initial project budget, we hope you understand, why this additional investment is required to ensure the impact of the project is sustainable beyond its immediate lifespan. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.