God's will
Live according to God's will.
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’
Something to think about
Jesus bursts onto the scene in Galilee calling his first followers. Galilee was a thriving, fertile, heavily populated area - but it also had a certain reputation.
It had been settled by pagan nations and lots of their rituals had impacted local Jewish culture. Galilee had become morally and spiritually questionable.
And it is here that Jesus begins his ministry. Not in Jerusalem. Not in the temple. Not with the religious people, but in Galilee. Probably one of the least expected places for the Messiah to turn up announcing the arrival of God’s kingdom.
The kingdom of God is God’s reign here, His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
And the fact that the arrival of His kingdom is announced in an out-of-the-way location with a dubious reputation is a reminder that He initiates, not us. He brings about His kingdom wherever he chooses, not where we might think appropriate.
Where might God be at work today, without us even realising it?
While it is God’s prerogative to initiate His kingdom where and when he wants, it is our duty to respond to Jesus and the arrival of the kingdom. Jesus gives these two commands, to 'repent' and 'believe'.
The kingdom of God begins in our lives as we repent, as we change direction and begin journeying closer to God. His reign in our lives also begins as we believe the good news that His redeeming and transforming purposes are at work in our lives, as we accept Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.