Finding the time
Finding the time
The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.
Something to think about
The first Christians expected Jesus to return pretty quickly, perhaps within their lifetimes. Yet two millennia later – as children up and down the country begin to wait excitedly for another Christmas celebration – we are still waiting for Jesus to return. It didn’t take long for early believers to begin to wonder whether all the promises of Scripture could really be trusted; God seemed to take so long about it.
Yesterday we considered our own propensity to forget; today we are reassured that the Lord does not have the same problem! Talk of ‘God’s perfect timing’ can feel frustrating when we are waiting to see justice flow, people flourish, and a world conformed to the goodness of God’s kingdom. It’s right that we should long for Jesus to come back and fix it all!
But Peter suggests that it’s actually us – humanity – who can be slow to do our part. While we rush through busy lives, God is endlessly patient with us, wanting us all to take the chances we have each day to turn injustice around, change greed into generosity, and put the good news into action.