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Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord?
Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy? 

How long, O Lord,
can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?
How long, O Lord,
will communities in Myanmar be displaced by conflict?
How long, O Lord,
will the children of the Caribbean be battered by hurricanes?
How long, O Lord,
will the people of Mexico live with threat of tsunami from earthquakes?
How long, O Lord,
will South Asia experience devastating floods?
How long, O Lord,
must the soul of humanity bear the pain of trauma and loss,
and have sorrow in its heart all day long?

Consider and answer us, O Lord our God!
Give protection to all those living in fear of death.
Give strength to endure so tragedy will not prevail.
Give guidance to decision makers who are on the ground.
Give compassion to hearts weary with fatigue.

We trust in your steadfast love,
our hearts will rejoice in your salvation,
as we participate in your kingdom restoration praying,
acting and giving bountifully
with all those preparing and repairing
what violence, hurricane, earthquake and flood is destroying.

How long, O Lord,
will we bring our prayers of lament to you?
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord we pray.
