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1109 resources

Showing 235 - 252.

Decolonising Evaluation - Whose Value Counts?

This paper critically reflects on evaluation practice through a decolonisation lens, considering who decides what success looks like, how we assess and measure results, and how we could take forward a decolonial approach to evaluation.

Middle East Crisis - Resources for a Prayer Vigil

Resources to help you and your church pray in response to the current crisis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Make Polluters Pay MSP Letter Template 2023

Download our Make Polluters Pay MSP Letter Template to take action today.

Prayer for peace

A prayer for peace in the Middle East.

Addressing impunity for gender-based violence among displaced communities in Haiti

This report highlights challenges for GBV survivors in Haiti's displaced and suggests ways to strengthen accountability mechanisms.

Learning brief: Addressing impunity for GBV among displaced communities in Haiti

Designed for state and non-state actors, including funders who are interested in addressing GBV in Haiti, with a particular focus on displaced population

The 16th IMF Quota Review

Opportunities for greater representation of the global South in international economic decision-making.

What next for Special Drawing Rights?

Lessons from Christian Aid in Sierra Leone, Kenya and Malawi.

Online Action Toolkit

Using this toolkit to join in Make Polluters Pay Action Day online.

Prayer for Libya

A prayer for those affected by the flood in Libya

Cooking up a storm: The climate threat to food supply chains

A report on the effects of climate change on food supply chains in UK, Germany and Italy.

Pecyn Prosiect Creadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd

Popeth sydd ei angen arnoch ar gyfer cymryd rhan a bod yn Greadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd.

Pecyn Prosiect Creadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd

Popeth sydd ei angen arnoch ar gyfer cymryd rhan a bod yn Greadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd.

Global Neighbours Secondary Handbook

The Global Neighbours Secondary handbook provides the award criteria for bronze, silver, and gold awards, along with all the information needed to apply. 

Prayer for Morocco

A prayer for those affected by the earthquake in Morocco. 

Primary Presentation

Script to accompany primary presentation.

Secondary Presentation

Script to accompany secondary presentation.

Make Polluters Pay MP Letter

Download this editable template letter to call on your MP to act to make polluters pay.