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1109 resources

Showing 487 - 504.

Salt Newsletter June 2021

Salt Newsletter June 2021

Safeguarding policy, Spanish (PDF)

Christian Aid is committed to protecting the dignity and rights of every person. (Spanish)

Climate justice family activities

Activities for praying for climate justice with children and young people

Leaving and learning

This briefing summarises key principles that underpin Christian Aid’s approach to working with partners.

Courageous Advocacy guide

This document is offered as a guide and a support to help schools, school leaders and SIAMS inspectors to explore the concept of courageous advocacy and what that might mean in the unique context of each school.

Ethics risk assessment template: French language

Ce modèle d’évaluation des risques éthiques fait partie d’une trousse à outils conçue pour aider les professionnels d’ONG(I) à appliquer l’éthique de la recherche aux activités recueillant des données factuelles, comme la recherche et l’évaluation.

Participant information sheet and consent form: French language

Cette fiche d’information et ce formulaire de consentement font partie d’une trousse à outils conçue pour aider les professionnels d’ONG(I) à appliquer l’éthique de la recherche aux activités recueillant des données factuelles.

Data management plan French language

Ce modèle de plan de gestion des données fait partie d’une trousse à outils conçue pour aider les professionnels d’ONG(I) à appliquer l’éthique de la recherche aux activités recueillant des données factuelles, comme la recherche et l’évaluation.

Data management plan template

This data management plan template is part of a toolkit designed to help (I)NGO practitioners apply research ethics to evidence-generating activities, including research and evaluation.

Participant information sheet and consent form

This participant information sheet and consent form is part of a toolkit designed to help (I)NGO practitioners apply research ethics to evidence-generating activities, including research and evaluation.

Research ethics risk assessment tool

This ethics risk assessment template is part of a toolkit designed to help (I)NGO practitioners apply research ethics to evidence-generating activities, including research and evaluation.

A game of snakes and ladders

Setting up a research function within an international development NGO

Christian Aid Ghana: An exit learning review

Christian Aid Ghana closed in 2020, part of a wider restructure of Christian Aid. This review seeks to celebrate the work of the Ghana programme, and capture learning to share with partners, other Christian Aid programmes, and the development sector.

Guatemala learning review

Learning from ACTuando Juntos, an ACT Alliance joint programme

Bridging the gap

Fiscal justice in sexual and reproductive health and rights in Africa. 

Christian Aid Guide to Gifts in Wills

Download your ‘how to’ guide to Wills and leaving a gift.

Christian Aid in the Philippines: an exit learning review

Building climate resilience and strengthening civil society

Doing research ethically guide

A guide and toolkit for doing research and evaluation in an ethical way for international development practitioners and evaluators