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1109 resources

Showing 739 - 756.

Crazy Climate classroom activities

A selection of classroom activities for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate classroom activities - Welsh

A selection of classroom activities in Welsh for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate PowerPoint presentation

Our Crazy Climate PowerPoint presentation introduces the topic of climate change and poverty, and features pictures from around the world.

Crazy Climate: all resources - English

Download all of our Crazy Climate resources in one go through a zip file.

DEC Collective Learning Initiative

Nepal was shocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25th of April 2015 and then after seventeen days another 7.3 magnitude rocked the country

Developing Community Charters for Citizen Participation in Development

A guidebook series to V2P approaches to citizens' particpation in governance processes.

Disaster strikes teaching notes

Disaster strikes teaching notes

God of reconciliation and grace

God of reconciliation and grace, you promise us a world where all is new...

God of the impossible

God of the impossible, we pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.

Loving God, you make us in your image

Loving God, you make us in your image. Forgive us when we fail to see your image in each other...

Reporting serious concerns - Arabic version 

Reporting serious concerns - Arabic version 

Running your delivery-only collection

Running your delivery-only collection

Global Neighbours stickers

Order sticker sheets, featuring the Global Neighbours logo, for you to use at school events or in the classroom. There are 24 stickers per sheet.

Watch out! Scary creatures about assembly

Watch out! Scary creatures about assembly

Watch out! Scary creatures about assembly presentation

Watch out! Scary creatures about assembly presentation

Disaster strikes assembly

Disaster strikes assembly

Disaster strikes assembly presentation

Disaster strikes assembly presentation

No school today assembly

This assembly recognises the importance of education and helps pupils understand some of the barriers to accessing education.