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1109 resources

Showing 775 - 792.

Christian Aid’s gender pay gap report 2017-2018

A report from our CEO, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, on the gender pay gap at Christian Aid.

Connecting the Voices of People across Kaduna and Southeast State

Connecting the Voices of people across Kaduna and Southeast State is an endline evaluation report for the Voice to the People (V2P) project which was implemented in Kaduna state and all the 5 states in southeast Nigeria.

Global Neighbours: Christian Aid workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Christian Aid workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Christian Aid workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Christian Aid workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Food workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Food workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Food workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Food workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Poverty workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Poverty workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Poverty workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Poverty workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Water workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Water workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Water workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Water workshop presentation

Gift Aid declaration

Gift Aid declaration

Good practice guide

The good practice guide shares good practices and challenges that have emerged through the experience of ADCAP.

Humanitarian inclusion standards

The humanitarian inclusion standards provide clear actions that can be taken to protect, support and engage older people and people with disabilities.

Humanitarian inclusion standards (Arabic)

The humanitarian inclusion standards provide clear actions that can be taken to protect, support and engage older people and people with disabilities. (Arabic)

Humanitarian inclusion standards (French)

The humanitarian inclusion standards provide clear actions that can be taken to protect, support and engage older people and people with disabilities. (French)

Nepal earthquake mid-term review

A mid-term review of Christian Aid's response to the Nepal earthquakes of 2015 - key findings, recommendations, background and methodology.