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1109 resources

Showing 919 - 936.

Salt Business Network's June 2017 Newsletter

Download the Salt Business Network's June newsletter and learn about building a values-based business model. 

Stories of change from Karonga District

Christian Aid and our partners in Malawi are implementing a three year UK Aid Match (UKAM) project to improve maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes.

Transformers resource pack - English

Download all the Transformers resources in one go as a zip file.

What is helping communities mobilise resources? PVCA learning review

This learning review understands how Participatory, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (PVCAs) have helped communities pull funding, resources and services.

Enhancing Communites Resilience (ECRP) in Malawi - final report

Enhancing Communites Resilience (ECRP) in Malawi - final report

National Nigeria HIV/AIDS Stigma Reduction Strategy

A strategy and guide to basic planning in the prevention and management of HIV stigma and discrimination in Nigeria.

Modern day slavery and SME's

Modern day slavery and SME's

Sponsor me - Twitter graphic

Encourage your friends and family to sponsor you with this Twitter graphic.

Faith leaders and family planning report

Faith leaders and family planning report

New pathways out of poverty for Africa

New pathways out of poverty for Africa - Report

Transformer presentation notes

Transformer presentation notes

Case studies - improving community response against malaria

Case studies from the Improving Community Response against Malaria (ICRAM+K) project in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Developing climate services in the Philippines - Prog. Review Summary

A summary of an impact assessment carried out in the Philippines, on Christian Aid’s partner Rice Watch Action Network's programme to help farmers.

Scandal of inequality 2 infographic (Spanish)

Infographic to accompany the Scandal of inequality 2 report

The Scandal of Inequality

Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean is deep and widespread; it has a great effect on the lives of many across the region.

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The Scandal of Inequality 2 (Spanish)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

The scandal of inequality 2 infographic (English)

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations