Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is appointed by the members (41 sponsoring churches in Britain and Ireland) at their Annual General Meeting.
The Board’s principal responsibilities include determining the overall strategy, policies, direction and goals of Christian Aid; protecting and promoting the identity and values of the charity; and fulfilling its statutory responsibilities.
The Board consists of:
- a Chair
- a Vice Chair
- a nominee from each of the national committees for Wales and Scotland
- the Chair of Christian Aid Ireland
- a nominee of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- up to 15 other trustees.
This ensures an appropriate balance of lay and ordained people, gender, age, ethnic origin, church tradition, geographic spread and knowledge and skills relevant to Christian Aid’s work.
Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London has held the position of Chair of the Board of Trustees since June 2024.
In keeping with good governance practice, one-quarter of the trustees retire at each annual general meeting and are eligible to be reappointed for further terms of office, usually limited to eight consecutive years.
This process does not apply to the Chair of Christian Aid Ireland, the nominees from the national committees or CTBI.
The board delegates certain functions to committees of trustees, including:
- a board governance and nominations committee
- an audit and risk committee
- a finance, fundraising and investment committee
- a human resources and strategy committee
- a remuneration committee.