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The erosion of multilateralism and the betrayal by the Global North

This essay discusses how global power imbalances, an elitist disdain for democratic and universal processes and solutions, the rise of fundamentalisms, and overburdening of social movements

A feminist social contract, theologically speaking?

This essay discusses relational theological imagery constructed by (eco)feminist theologians, including theological discourses that have constructed imagery of the earth as the interconnected body of God, thereby rendering it sacred.

The dream that can still be: The Chilean process to a new social contract

This essay focuses on the Chilean ‘awakening’ which has occurred since longstanding economic policies which have privileged an elite led to social unrest in 2019, the proposed new Constitution that would have responded to the calls of activists.

The world is waking up!

This essay mourns our planet’s economic collapse amidst rising inequality and a backlash against women’s rights.

How can a transformational new social contract be won?

This essay looks at the important role that faith organisations (and people inspired by faith) have historically played - and could play today - in advancing a social contract that helps all people and our planet thrive