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2751 results

Showing 2737 - 2751.

Illicit drugs and tough trade-offs in war-to-peace transitions

Millions of marginalised people rely on illicit drug economies for survival. It is time to end the separation of drugs policy and development policy.

Campaign highlights in 2019

Reduce, reuse, recycle, rejoice!

Take a look back on our campaigns in 2020

2020 promised to be a year filled with lots of campaigning activity in the lead up to COP 26 in Glasgow. But then everything changed when we were hit with the global pandemic. Despite this, our resilient campaigners have adapted and risen to the challenge

Catch up on COP26

As COP finishes its first working week, we take a look at what’s happening in the Blue Zone and beyond.

Fixing the climate crisis: a New Year’s resolution we have to keep

While the world has focused on the Coronavirus pandemic, the climate crisis has not gone away.

Keeping hope alive after COP26

Throughout COP26, people of faith have united with activists from the Global South, feminists, youth and indigenous people to demand climate justice. Our movement has never been stronger and this must be the legacy from Glasgow to keep hope alive.

साझेदारीतामाफ त शी थानीयकरण (Accelerating localisation - Nepali)

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal. (English language also available.)

Accelerating localisation research summary - Nepal

Recommendations to strengthen leadership of actors in partnership-based humanitarian action in Nepal

DEC Collective Learning Initiative

Nepal was shocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25th of April 2015 and then after seventeen days another 7.3 magnitude rocked the country

Nepal earthquake mid-term review

A mid-term review of Christian Aid's response to the Nepal earthquakes of 2015 - key findings, recommendations, background and methodology.


Christian Aid Central America is based in Nicaragua.

The impact of World Bank and IMF conditionality - Nicaragua

Privatisation has increasingly become a condition of aid, new loans and debt relief. This report looks at the failure of that policy in Nicaragua.

Adapta annual review 2016-17

Proyecto Adapta is a four-year project

Adapta interactive annual report 2017

Proyecto Adapta: “Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.