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2751 results

Showing 217 - 234.

Ellis-Hadwin Health Legacy in Sierra Leone

Ellis-Hadwin Health Legacy in Sierra Leone

Christian Aid Supporter Care Charter

How do we support those who support us? Read our full Charter.

Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development (ECID)

ECID is a four-year programme funded by the UK Government which aims to reduce poverty, realise rights and improve the well-being of the most marginalised in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

ITL June eNews - Zim project update

ITL June eNews - Zim project update

Drop Zambia's debt!

Sign our petition demanding that Blackrock bank drop Zambia's debt.

Volunteer at a festival

Volunteer with us at Greenbelt or Eisteddfod, and find out how you can get involved at a festival near you.

ITL June eNews CLIMA project update

ITL June eNews CLIMA project update

Contact us

Find our contact details or send us a message with your question, comment or feedback.


PACS, which ran from 2009-2016, worked in 90 districts in seven of India’s poorest states to help communities claim their rights and entitlements more effectively.

Public finance, anti-corruption and accountability in Sierra Leone

Working to strengthen public financial management, anti-corruption and accountability institutions. Our mission is to ensure that public resources support inclusive development that benefits all the citizens of Sierra Leone.

Become a Christian Aid teacher

Volunteer your professional skills and inspire young people through Christian Aid's work.

SABI Sierra Leone

SABI is a citizen-led accountability programme increasing awareness of, and demand for, the delivery of basic services.

World Food Programme Partnership Appeal - Philanthropy

Bringing food security to those who need it most, in partnership with the World Food Programme.

STAR Ghana Foundation

Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Responsiveness (STAR Ghana) is a voice and empowerment programme.

UK Aid Match 2

Our UK Aid Match 2 programme, improving maternal and new-born health for vulnerable women and babies in Kenya and Malawi, closed in May 2018.

UK Aid Match South Sudan (UKAM 7)

A long-term approach to addressing the deeper causes of malnutrition in South Sudan.

Prophetic Activist Bootcamp (London)

Join us in London for the Prophetic Activist Bootcamp