Thanks to the Scottish Government Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF), Christian Aid and partners are able to deliver urgent support to some of our most vulnerable global neighbours.
ECID is a four-year programme funded by the UK Government which aims to reduce poverty, realise rights and improve the well-being of the most marginalised in Myanmar, Nigeria and Zimbabwe
PACS, which ran from 2009-2016, worked in 90 districts in seven of India’s poorest states to help communities claim their rights and entitlements more effectively.
Working to strengthen public financial management, anti-corruption and accountability institutions. Our mission is to ensure that public resources support inclusive development that benefits all the citizens of Sierra Leone.
This new resource has been produced to support teaching and learning in the RE curriculum. It has been written to fit with ‘faith in action’ questions explored in many RE/RME/RVE curricula and has been designed to fit with different national contexts.