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2751 results

Showing 613 - 630.

Crisis Response toolkit

Resources for schools to support children explore their concerns and feelings in response to multiple crises.

Terms and conditions

Christian Aid terms and conditions.

Safe Place Ludo

Safe Place Ludo is a board game that explores the difficult journeys made by people fleeing conflict.

Privacy policy

Christian Aid is committed to protecting your data and your privacy. We aim to ensure that any information you give us is held securely and safely.

Prayer Spaces in Schools resources

Setting up a prayer space? Download free resources, created in partnership with Prayer Spaces in Schools.

Primary school teaching resources

We offer a range of teaching resources to help primary school pupils engage with world issues.

Cookies policy

Read our policy below to find out what cookies are active on the Christian Aid website.

Lent and Easter schools resources

Inspire your pupils, and show them how young people are rising up to becoming climate change activists.

Exploring Christian Aid at school

Go exploring with your class! Our resources provide everything you need to find out about how charities work, and specifically how Christian Aid is making a difference all over the world.


Christian Aid copyright notice.

UK charity fighting global poverty

Join us as we stand with our global neighbours. Hope lives in you.

Hands Across The World

There are still 260 million children missing out on education in our world! This set of practical and exciting resources open up the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a global neighbour.

Beliefs and actions in the world

This religious education teaching unit considers how faith based organisations work to change the world.


At Christian Aid we are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability.

Window on the World

This resources introduces pupils to the topic of climate change.

The poverty challenge

A simulation game illustrating how sustainable development training can improve livelihoods.

300,000 Steps in May challenge

Sign up and order your Welsh-bilingual T shirt

The trading game

This game helps to show how trade affects the prosperity of a country - both positively and negatively.