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2747 results

Showing 2413 - 2430.

Church Activity Pack

This pack will help your church reflect and act on loss and damage.

Brazil elections - Prayer of the name of God taken in vain

Reflecting on Brazil's elections, our Global Theology Advisor Nancy Cardoso shared the following prayer.

Prayer for Indonesian tsunami

A prayer for all those affected by the tsunami in Indonesia.

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Prayer in times of food shortages

Loving and almighty God, We pray for all who are working to combat the growing food crisis...

Prayer for those affected by floods

Compassionate God, source of all comfort, We pray for the people whose lives have devastated by rain and flood.

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

Prayer for Sierra Leone

A prayer for those affected by the mudslides in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Prayer for emergencies

O God, our refuge and strength, our help in times of trouble.

Prayer for Rohingya crisis

A prayer for all communities displaced by violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar.

Prayer for those affected by Cyclone Idai

A prayer for all communities affected.

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Prayers for Zimbabwe

These prayers are for Zimbabwe at a time of change and transition.

Prayers for the Nepal earthquake

Ressurection, offering and intercession prayers for the Nepal earthquake.