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2751 results

Showing 469 - 486.

Coronavirus Emergency Appeal

Help provide the tools desperately needed to fight coronavirus.

Events in Scotland

We have a variety of fantastic events for you to take part in during 2025.

Tom Defis retires

After 29 years' service, Tom Defis retires

Ymddeoliad Tom Defis

Yn dilyn 29 mlynedd o wasanaeth, mae Tom yn ymddeol

Please support the DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal

We're not responding directly in Pakistan - but our fellow DEC members need your urgent support.

Cyclone Idai Appeal 2019

Cyclone Idai has affected 3 million people across southeast Africa. Please give today.

Christmas worship

Unite with thousands of churches in worship and prayer to support our Christmas Appeal and make a difference for those in need.

Climate justice and the Bible

What does the Bible have to say about climate justice? Prompt your young people to ask questions, think big and turn faith into action.

East Africa Appeal 2017

People are dying daily from hunger and malnutrition across East Africa. This is the worst humanitarian crisis since 1945.

Apply for Global Neighbours Accreditation

Apply for bronze, silver or gold accreditation for your primary school.

Fundraising resources INTRO

Fundraising resources INTRO

Fundraising resources EXIT

Fundraising resources EXIT

Harvest school resources

Use our Harvest Toolkits to plan and celebrate Harvest in your school.

Special days and dates assemblies

We have assemblies and other content available for special dates in the calendar, including Christmas, New Year, Mother’s Day, Lent and Harvest.

Service of Thanksgiving

Remembering and giving thanks to people in whose memory donations have been given, and to those who’ve left a legacy for our work.

Angola: learning from 37 years of working in partnership

Angola: learning from 37 years of working in partnership

Collective action for adolescent girls, Nigeria

In 2017, ITL began funding a new project in northern Nigeria, where child marriage is rife, focusing on girls aged 10-19.

Faith leaders championing women and girls, Zimbabwe

This project, new in 2017, seeks to understand and address the underlying, contributing factors behind gender-based violence in Zimbabwe.