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2751 results

Showing 577 - 594.

GCSE resources for RE

Download our free and easy to use lesson plans for GCSE RE.

Sixth form resources

Take a look at our sixth form workshops designed to get young people talking about the issues of global poverty with Christian Aid.

Poverty over

Why, in a world of plenty, are so many people living in desperate poverty around the globe? This workshop aims to improve understanding of poverty and what can be done to tackle it.

Time for tax

A sixth form workshop about poverty eradication and the campaign for tax justice.

Ebola Crisis Appeal 2014

In March 2014, the largest ever outbreak of the deadly Ebola disease spread across West Africa. The worst-affected countries were Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.

More Than Toil - original series

Download the first series of More Than Toil small group sessions

Ecuador Earthquake Appeal 2016

On 21 April, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador. Families are in urgent need of water and healthcare. Help our ACT Alliance partners to respond.

Resources for fair and equitable development research partnerships

Resources for fair and equitable development research partnerships

Ethiopia Drought Appeal 2016

More than 10 million people in Ethiopia urgently need access to food supplies and water as the country faces its worst drought in three decades.


Educational teaching resources for schools

Collective Worship

Resources to support primary and secondary pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Creative for Climate Justice

Explore the climate crisis and get Creative for Climate Justice.

Letters for Creation School Resources

Download our Letters for Creation school resources

Christmas Appeal resources

Get everything you need for giving, acting and praying this Christmas

Letters for Creation Case Study

Explore the opportunities of taking part in Letters for Creation through this case study

Letters for Creation Wales

Find the L4C resources needed to run in Welsh schools.

Christmas Appeal stories

Read Adut's story to learn why she no longer has to make impossible choices.

Christian Aid Week Schools Resources

Our Christian Aid Week resources for Schools